Every girl loves diamonds. It’s the symbol of love and romance, so it’s only fitting that you want to keep your ring sparkling and beautiful.
There are many ways to clean diamond rings, but some can be expensive or time-consuming. Instead of traveling out to get your ring cleaned professionally or paying someone else to do it for you at home, try these simple steps:
How to Clean Diamond Rings at Home: the complete guide
Remove Diamonds from settings.
To begin cleaning, first, remove the diamonds from their settings. This can be done with a gentle toothbrush and dish soap or by simply rinsing them under running water.
Next, use a soft-bristled brush to brush away any dirt or grime on the diamond gently.
If your ring has settings too small to fit any cleaning tools (like those used for watches), you’ll want to ensure they’re scorched before inserting them back into place.
Soak Diamonds for 2-3 hours.
Soak your ring in warm water for 2-3 hours. This will make it easier for the next steps.
If you want to use a jewelry cleaner, follow the directions on its package, as they may vary from brand to brand.
Use a soft brush (or toothbrush) and gently scrub each diamond until it’s clean of any dirt or grime that may be stuck inside the prongs. Do this with all of your diamonds (the bigger ones first).
Clean with a soft brush (toothbrush).
- Use a soft brush (toothbrush) to remove dirt and grime gently.
- You want to use a non-abrasive or non-scratchy brush. This means that the bristles won’t scratch the delicate surface of your diamond ring. This may cause it to lose its shine or break apart into tiny pieces.
- If you have an old toothbrush hanging around, you may use it instead of buying a new one for this purpose.
Rinse under warm running water.
Rinse under warm running water.
Do not use soap when rinsing your ring. It can dull the diamond’s shine and make it appear cloudy.
If you have a choice of temperature, I recommend using warm water instead of hot or cold. This is because this will help prevent damage to the stone.
Rinse all sides of your ring thoroughly and then dry it with a soft cloth before putting it back on.
Dry with a lint-free cloth.
Dry with a lint-free cloth. You can use any of these cleaning products to clean your ring, but after you’ve finished and you’re ready to dry it, try using a lint-free cloth to wipe away any remaining residue.
If you use paper towels or cotton cloths, they will leave tiny particles behind that could get stuck in the diamond setting when it’s back on your finger. Microfiber cloths also trap particles and are too abrasive for use on diamonds; chamois skins are made from animal hide and should not be used either.
Cleaning will make your ring look better in the short term but not last longer than usual without recleaning over time.

You don’t have to go out to get your diamond ring cleaned. You can do it yourself from home!
You don’t have to go out and get your diamond ring cleaned. You can do it yourself at home! It’s easy and affordable, and there is no need to worry about any damage to your precious jewelry. And now, when you know how to clean diamond rings at home, it’s even more accessible.
You can get your diamond ring cleaned from home. I know that you have a busy life and don’t always have time to go out and get your jewelry cleaned by a professional.
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